I had a problem with my iPhone recently. It’s using more data than ever before, and the battery is draining very quickly. Two problems I could do without.
So I took it into the Apple Store in Glasgow, having already had a really useful conversation with one of the sales guys the last time I had a problem. The reception I got this time couldn’t have been more different.
Basically I was told that there was nobody around to help me there and then, I could wait to see someone, but I would have to understand that waiting times were an hour or so, or I could ‘make an appointment and come back tomorrow’.
Not very helpful given the friendly reception the last time I had been in. And you know what made it worse? I got the feeling the guy I spoke to, who was a ‘supervisor’, couldn’t really give a toss whether I went back the next day or never darkened his door again.
And I think that made it worse. He was indifferent. And that made me think that his staff, because as a supervisor he will have a responsibility for training staff, are likely to be the same. It was a poor show and quite frankly will make me think twice about another apple phone when my contract is due to be renewed at the end of this year.
Others I speak to are less than impressed with Apple service as well, quoting ‘genius’ technicians who try to resolve problems by selling something else, and the same indifference that I have alluded to. I’d be happy to hear if you have any views?