Service with a smile

I bought some microphones a few years ago to use when I’m playing music. I can’t remember exactly when I purchased them but it is certainly long enough to make them well outside of any warranty period that a manufacturer should cover, and indeed probably outside any protection that I could reasonably expect to have under consumer rights legislation. They have become a bit tired with over-use and I was talking to a friend about them because I was going to buy some replacements. Phone the company you bought them from, he suggested, they might be able to help. So I called the manufacturer, Microvox in West Yorkshire, last week to ask if they could repair them for me. They said on the phone that they’d have a look at them and let me know what needed to be done if, indeed, they were able to be repaired.

I sent them down south on Friday and received an email from the company on Tuesday (four days later including a weekend) to tell me what was wrong with them and that the work had been done and I should look out from them in the post.

As it turns out I had to go to my local sorting office to pick them up because they wouldn’t fit through the letter box but I got them back within a week of sending them off.

I emailed the company to thank them and to ask them to send me an invoice. The response simply said ‘No charge.’

I emailed back to say that they should at least let me pay for the postage and received this reply. ‘It’s very old-fashioned I know but we try to keep repairs free if we can.’

How’s that for service? Puts many big companies to shame. The company had absolutely no obligation to repair the goods for me, and they certainly were under no obligation to spend time and use replacements parts, without charging me a penny.

But where do you think I’ll buy my next set of microphones, or indeed anything else that they sell?



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